What is Professionalism?

Professionalism is a quality that I hold as high as the technical know how of an individual. However, most people have a constricted idea of what professionalism is, often confusing it for physical attributes like how you dress up. This post is an attempt to explain professionalism in a concise manner.

Professionalism is not mutation into another culture or adherence to a monoculture. Many have idiotically given the crown of professionalism to western cultural norms such as suits and English language. The fact is, professionalism has largely nothing to do with a cultural way of doing things. Instead, it is a set of habits, behaviour pattern and attitude that is beyond any cultural norms.

However, some traits of professionalism has a direct link to cultural norms. In such cases, stick to your own cultural norms such as hospitality etiquettes, language, reactions, manners, etc. Business is not an invention of the west or of the east; it is a global activity. Each culture have their own formal elements such as dresses and grammar in speaking.

Professionalism is not about what you dress, but how you dress up. When the "how" factor is defined and followed, the "what" factor is taken care of. For instance, when it is agreed that clothes that are apt for formal interactions between not so close people must be worn, naturally sports wear, party wear and swim wear will be excluded, and visually aesthetic formal clothings will be preferred.

Professionalism is less about what you speak and more about how you speak. What you speak is determined by the context you are in; and because work is the context, the subject matter will naturally be work related. But how you communicate is in your hand. It must be clear, concise, timely, without ambiguity and in a respectable tone. For that, you must choose a language that both parties have a command in. Professionalism is also about responding to a communication addressed to you in the same said manner.

Professionalism is being on time, fulfilling your duties and responsibilities, keeping your word and intimating the concerned people when you fall short in any of these. Professionalism is not passing the buck when you err, but owning it and making up for it. Professionalism is doing your karma in the workspace and accepting its fruits.

Professionalism is a work-level encapsulation of your attitude and set of behaviours that you follow (or must follow) in your personal life.