Judging Someone by Books
➙ You know, he is a right wing guy.
➙ Is it? How do you know?
➙ I saw the books he reads. They were piled on on his desk during a video call.
➙ (Laughs) How do you know he has read them?
➙ I am presuming that.
➙ Alright, assuming that he has read them, does that make him a right wing guy?
➙ Doesn't it?
➙ Have you read some of the stupdiest ideas in books?
➙ I have.
➙ Does the fact that you read them make you stupid?
➙ Of course not. I just happened to have read them. Ok, I get the point.
➙ (Laughs) Now, I don't mean to say that right wing ideologies are stupid. I just invoked the example of stupid books to prove a point.
➙ I get it.
➙ Correllation isn't causation. Reading a book, having read one or having one in possession does not imply the reader's agreement and subscription to the ideology of the book. Wouldn't you agree?
➙ I would. But so many book of the same ideology?
➙ So what? It still doesn't imply.
➙ Technically you are right.
➙ Here is another point: a reader who is after truth will have to explore the ideas of both sides to factor in both positions before forming an opinion. That means, books from other ideologies too.
➙ And that doesn't make him a subscriber of those ideas.
➙ You said it!