The Constitution

Constitutions are written by people, and therefore they are fallible. They can contain elements of unfairness, injustice, illogic, and even stupidity. Bhāratīya constitution is no exception. Over the course of this series, the flaws of our constitution have been mentioned within the appropriate posts.

It is not the constitution that must be held above all, it must be dharma (righteousness, fairness and justice). Dharma, in almost all cases, is evident and easily deducible. In circumstances when it is not, i.e., when what is right and just is blurred, a deliberation can help figure them out. And if it doesn't, a compromise can be sought after.

A citizen's allegiance must be to the constitution only if it is also dharmic, and it becomes the duty of citizens to correct any adharmic elements of the constitution to be dharmic.